Lane Meister - Drawmeister self-promotional shots

Usage and rights

Permission is granted to use these images in their original, unaltered form in conjunction with your event's advertisement and promotion where Lane is scheduled to appear. Please discreetly add "copyright 2009 Lane Meister. All rights reserved. Used by permission" wherever images are used. Font size for this credit should be no less than 6 pt. regardless of image size chosen.

Graphic Design, fantasy art and editorial illustration services by Lane Meister. All of your graphics needs and services provided in one place. I have up-to-date technology for image generation, pre-visualization, video editing, motion graphics and animation.

If you have any questions about usage, rights, duration or any issues concerning images and your promotional materials please don't hesitate to send me an e-mail through on the "Contact" page. Alternatively, I also have a "Contact Page" on

I will be more than happy to help or review any preliminary layouts to help expedite the layout/design process.

Lane Meister graphic designer, illustrator, animator, web developer from Lane Meister graphic designer, illustrator, animator, web developer from Lane Meister graphic designer, illustrator, animator, web developer from